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News, work, goodies & freebies from the studio

News, work, goodies & freebies from the studio

We sent our last newsletter in February, and the wheels have turned a lot faster since then.

Times are tough and we know that many jobs and businesses have been impacted in recent months due to different macroeconomic circumstances. If you were too, please know that you’re not alone. We’re here to offer support in any way we can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help.

Here is a post by Siddharth Sharma on his learnings from previous recession. Additionally, there is a Twitter thread collecting all current open positions across product management, design, and engineering verticals. Head Out is hiring Design Engineers, and Mathworks is looking for designers.

life at 3sc

The last couple of months at the studio have been akin the duck metaphor - quiet on the surface, hell lot of movements underneath.

Towards the end of 2022, the team conducted retros of few projects and also looked back at the year. we realised that while we were putting our best work out there and the clients were happy, our processes needed little more love and also a stern look.

We identified internal project management as one of the core processes we could supercharge for both short and long-term benefits, and spent the first quarter streamlining them.

✨ off-site

Team went to Lonavala in March for our first off-site of the year. Our conversations ranged from points from the retros and prioritising them by short-, medium-, and long-term impact; to Baba Sehgal’s music. We will spare you the boring stuff but Baba’s music is something you should definitely check out. NOW!

march offsite Goofballs in Lonavala.


We didn’t pick up new projects this quarter. It was part-deliberate, part-circumstantial decision - the inquiries that came in weren’t always the best fits.

We are using our time to document our work from the last few years.

You should check this reel in its 4k glory.

🇨🇦 canoo

Canoo is one of the most interesting, amazing, and exciting platforms we have worked with.

Canoo How do new Canadian immigrants to a new country assimilate culturally? They Canoo into Canada.

Canoo helps immigrants assimilate by partnering with local cultural and natural points-of-interest by making them free-to-access for new citizens. You can find more of our work for Canoo on our Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin.


If you are designer experimenting with design systems, you have come across the problem of designing complex components - think dialog boxes, bottom sheets. These components act as vessels to hold content, but at the same time need their own stylistic rules.

Figma slots for complex components

Faced with this challenge more often than he could tolerate, Karthik wrote about how the concept of Figma slots could be extended to address this scalability problem. Give it a read.


Our friends at Aubergine won UXD Award 2023 for their work ASENT. This win comes on tail of their Red Dot win for the same work. Go Aubergine!!!


Sign Up for Beta

We teased you about the first-ever product in our September newsletter. We are going full-stream with the designs of our review platform for D2C brands. You can sign up here for beta tests, and if you have suggestions for name - we are all ears.

good stuff

design systems
  • OpenVerse by Wordpress: open-source visual and sounds assets.
  • Good icon packs from around the web, for your eyes 👀 only.
  • FreeFaces is a collection of free typefaces.
  • Are you a designer looking to amp your colour game? Pigment is a great tool with colour combinations that could help you create base palettes.
  • Color and Contrast is a quick reference guide to understanding color theory.
AI overlords


Dessert Roz is almost complete. By the time you read this newsletter, we will be putting finishing touches and launching it in the stratosphere.

We are looking for new collaborations across web and editorial design; and product design. If you or someone you know needs help with design, you know who to send them to. 🙂

stay in touch

We want to hear from you! Tell us what you’ve been up to. We also welcome any music, movie, food, and reading recommendations you have.

Until the next one, 🖖🏽
Abinash, Avinash, Bhavya, Karthik, Kasturi, & Tejas

Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin - we post at a mindful frequency!

Digital experience design studio.
Fun process. Serious output.

We at 3 Sided Coin put play to work with editorial and product design.

We look out for new & exciting challenges to design amazing digital experiences. Get in touch.

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