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Learn the essential tips and tricks I applied in my first UI project to streamline the design process.


Earlier this year, I worked on my first UI project - website design for Canoo. Canoo app provides Canadian newcomers with free entry to 1400+ venues across the country with a range of additional benefits. I worked on the project alongside Kasturi, Art Director at 3 Sided Coin.

I have been an illustrator for a bit and have lately become interested in UI design. While working on this design, I learned and implemented a few really helpful techniques that are too good not to share.

1. Sections as Blocks: Organizing information

Group content into blocks and arrange them on page to get ideas on how the information should flow.

This approach, which came up in one of our internal discussions, allowed me to conceptualize and arrange content in a visually appealing and logically structured manner.

2. The Squint Technique: Assessing hierarchy and spacing

Squint to check hierarchy. Observe how your eyes scan the page when details are blurred out.

This simple yet powerful technique, which was talked about by Pooja, a type designer at Type Together, in a typography workshop she conducted for our team, allowed me to identify which elements stood out, what caught the user's attention first, and whether the visual hierarchy aligned with my design goals.

Working on Canoo was a valuable learning experience for me. I learned the importance of collaboration and how different perspectives can uncover underlying issues in the design. By implementing the above techniques, I was able to create a beautiful and functional design. Looking forward to new learnings from future projects. Till then ✌🏻


header typeface: inter, header designed by: bhavya

Digital experience design studio.
Fun process. Serious output.

We put play to work with research, editorial and product design. We’re 3 Sided Coin.

We always look out for new exciting challenges. If you need amazing digital experiences researched and designed, please write in.

image of a letterbox with fox pass sticker